WSPR and QRSS frequencies
These are not dial frequencies but the actual transmit range. This list is for direct frequency entry transmitters such as the Hans Summers QRP Labs “Ultimate 2 / Ultimate 3(S)” kits.
Both 40m and 30m can be very overcrowded. Please check the active grabbers before you transmit to find a clear spot and because it's so busy, please think very carefully before you run slow Hell on either band.
WSPR: 137.500 kHz +/- 100 Hz
WSPR: 475.700 kHz +/- 100 Hz
QRSS: 476.100 kHz +/- 100 Hz
WSPR: 1,838.100 kHz +/- 100 Hz
QRSS: 1,837.900 kHz +/- 100 Hz (check local licence conditions)
WSPR: 3,570.100 kHz +/- 100 Hz
QRSS: 3,569.900 kHz +/- 100 Hz
WSPR: 5,288.700 kHz +/- 100 Hz (check local licence conditions)
QRSS: 5,288.550 kHz +/- 50 Hz (check local licence conditions)
WSPR: 7,040.100 kHz +/- 100 Hz
QRSS: 7,039.900 kHz +/- 100 Hz
WSPR: 10,140.200 kHz +/- 100 Hz
QRSS: 10,140.000 kHz +/- 100 Hz
22m ISM band (Worldwide frequency allocation but check local regulations)
WSPR: 13,555.400 kHz +/- 100 Hz
QRSS: 13,555.275 - 13,555.675 kHz (13,555.400 kHz is the centre of activity)
WSPR: 14,097.100 kHz +/- 100 Hz
QRSS: 14,096.900 kHz +/- 100 Hz
WSPR: 18,106.100 kHz +/- 100 Hz
QRSS: 18,105.900 kHz +/- 100 Hz
WSPR: 21,096.100 kHz +/- 100 Hz
QRSS: 21,095.900 kHz +/- 100 Hz
WSPR: 24,926.100 kHz +/- 100 Hz
QRSS: 24,925.900 kHz +/- 100 Hz
WSPR: 28,126.100 kHz +/- 100 Hz
QRSS Region 1 (Europe / Africa): 28,125.500 - 28,125.700 kHz
QRSS Region 2 (USA / South America): 28.125.700 - 28,125.900 kHz
QRSS Region 2 (RoW and buffer): 28,125.900 - 28,126.000 kHz
QRSS: 28,322.000 kHz +/- 100 Hz (Italian network)
WSPR: 50,294.500 kHz +/- 100 Hz
QRSS: 50,294.300 kHz +/- 100 Hz
The QRSS segment of each band is directly below the WSPR section to allow grabbers to monitor both QRSS and WSPR at the same time.
If you have any corrections or comments regarding this frequency list, please contact me.
Updated: 16th November 2022
G6NHU, 2011-2025